Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Chapter 3

Well, I combined Chapter 1&2 together and did a little editing on backreading to get some inspiration. I realized that Renae's brother had 2 names (duh), so I fixed that, giving him yet another name. Haha. I guess he is iffy.

I want my characters to do things they aren't yet ready for, I feel like I have to keep holding them back. I need them to start school, so I think Chapter 3 or 4 may end the before Jr. High bonding summer. Then I'll go onto the Highschool drama, and then I guess back fill in whatever I feel happened in Jr. High that would be important to the people they became in highschool.

* * * Chapter Three (so far) * * *

By the time July 4th came around, the friendship between the girls had solidified, and a routine progressed. Friday night would be sleepover night, either at Kaelynn’s or at Renae’s. Every afternoon was spent at Renae’s pool, except for few hours a week they attended soccer practice together. Kaelynn’s family was hosting a beach barbeque for the holiday, and Morrie and Renae were looking forward to joining them.

The beach was packed like a sardine tin on the July 4th holiday, where every available spot of sand was covered with colored blankets or beach towels. The crowds were partly due to the heat, which was expected to reach this high-80’s, and partly due to the holiday itself. Luckily, Kaelynn’s parents had the foresight to arrive early with a camper to reserve a spot. The girls arrived later, dropped off my Morrie’s Dad. Kaelynn’s parents had set up a badminton set on the grassy area, as it was a family tradition to have a tournament. It was too hot for that right now, and the girls opted to go swimming instead.

“Kaelynn, this is so cool! This is my first time at the beach since we moved here,” said Renae, as they headed out into the surf.

“Yeah, I am so glad you invited us to come along. When will the rest of your family show up?” Morrie asked.

The holiday was a big event in Kaelynn’s family, with all her extended aunts, uncles, and cousins joining for the barbeque.

“They usually don’t show up until after lunch, so they can all be here for the fireworks.” Kaelynn informed Renae and Morrie.

The girls were waist deep in the cool ocean water. The cold water was a stark contrast to the humid air. As the water lapped around their bodies they would shriek in joy as the waves came in. They would jump over them, bodies floating unsupported in the salt water, until the surf retreated and their feet returned safely to the sandy bottom of the ocean floor. People were crowded all around them and it became quite a game to avoid the boogie boarder that shared their water space.

“Renae, look out! Duck!” Kaelynn shrieked as she spied a boarder approaching Renae from behind.

Renae quickly ducked under the wave, but she wasn’t fast enough and she collided with the boarder.

She breeched the surface of the water, rubbing her head.

“Oh my god! Are you ok?” Morrie wanted to know.

“He just skimmed me, but it hurt. I’m ok, though.” Renae informed them.

Kaelynn was looking for the boarder that hit Renae. He went by so quickly, but he was on a orange board and had worn blue trunks. “Renae, I can’t see where he went! There are too many people out here. Come on, let’s go in and get something to drink.”

Toweling off, Renae popped open a ice cold can of Coke and took a sip, pausing as the effervescent bubbles exploded in her mouth, and trickled down her throat. “Hey, we should go for a walk down the beach and see if there are any cute guys.”

Kaelynn inwardly rolled her eyes. They each threw on an oversized surf tee-shirt, pulled a comb quickly through their wet hair, and headed back to the beach, heading in the direction of the pier.

“I have a confession,” Renae started out.

This of course, caught the interest of Morrie and Kaelynn.

“What?” Morrie asked.

“Well, you know how Tony is always over at the house hanging out with Matt?” Renae paused dramatically. “I have a crush on him.”

Kaelynn, ever the practical one, said “Renae, he’s your brother’s age. Don’t you think he is too old? I mean, he probably thinks of you as a little sister, too.”

Renae sighed. “I know, but he’s so cute that I can’t help it. Did I tell you that Matt is going to play soccer with Tony at school in the fall? He tried out last week and just heard back that he made the squad. At least I won’t look totally pathetic going to the games to see Tony.”

“Well, we’ll go to the games with you, Renae.” Morrie said. ‘That way I can look at Matt playing, too’ she thought to herself.
”Should we stop here and watch the surfer’s for a little while?” Morrie asked.
They sat in the warm sand, scrunching their toes through it, and digging their feet into little warm damp holes.

“How do you know you have a crush on someone?” Kaelynn asked. “I mean, when do boys start to be cute, and not just irritating?”

Renae and Morrie both laughed, making Kaelynn feel horribly gauche and embarrassed.

“No, Kaelynn. Don’t get upset. I’m only laughing because Tony is the first guy in real life I really noticed, too, excluding the photos of Johnny Dannon, of course. It will probably happen to you soon, as well.”
Kaelynn kind of hoped so, too, since she was feeling left out of the gushing over cute guys. “See, that is what I mean. Looking at photos of Johnny Dannon, I can see that he is cute, but I just don’t understand the fuss, I guess.”

Each girl gazed out over ocean lost in though.

Kaelynn was wondering if she would ever start to feel normal, like she fit in.

Renae was centered on Tony, wondering what he was doing right now, wishing she could call him to talk to him.

Morrie was worried about her dad, who hadn’t seemed himself when he dropped the three of them off at the beach early today. That was a secret she was determined to keep to herself right now, though.

“Is anyone else hungry?” Morrie asked.

The three girls stood together in unison and headed back up the beach to the camper to grab some lunch.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in badminton matches with the rest of Kaelynn’s family which started to arrive soon after the girls finished off their hotdogs (grilled, of course.)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Chapter Two (Started)

Kaelynn awoke first the following morning, as she always did. As she lay there in her sleeping bag, she found herself filled with hope that this summer could really change her life. Her bladder called for attention and when she returned from the bathroom, she found Renae and Morrie were awake as well.

“I think your mom is cooking breakfast because something smells great in the hallway.” Kaelynn announced as she walked in the room.

“She is probably making her special banana pancakes. She likes to do stuff like that when I have sleepovers.”

Morrie’s stomach growled loudly and all the girls giggled. “Can we go eat then?” Morrie laughed.

“Hey, do you guys want to bring over your swimsuits to go swimming today? My dad says the pool is still a little cold, but it is clean and ready to use.” Renae asked as they walked down the stairs.

Morrie and Kaelynn hadn’t seen the pool last night, as they were stuck in Renae’s room all night talking, giggling, and bonding.

“That sounds fantastic. We can start working on our tans!” Morrie enthusiastically replied. “Mrs. Pitts, those pancakes smell so good.”

“Good morning girls. Nice to see you awake before ten. Grab some juice and the pancakes will be ready soon. Oh, and please, call me Sue.”

“Mom, can Kaelynn and Morrie come over for a swim today?”

“I don’t see why not, but clear it with your father first.”

Attacking the banana pancakes with abandon, the girls made plans to meet up after lunch at 1pm for a swim. The weather wasn’t hot yet, being early June, but it was uncharacteristically sunny. The water was crisp, not yet reaching the potential it would in July. Kaelynn met Morrie at her house this time and they walked together to Renae’s house.

“It seems weird to live so close to each other, play on the same soccer team, but not really know each other, doesn’t it?” Kaelynn opened.

“I know. I hope things will be different now.”

“Me too.”

“Have you met Renae’s brother yet?”

“What? She has a brother? We didn’t’ see anyone around last night.”

“Well, we were pretty much locked up in Renae’s room.” Morrie laughed.

“True. What’s he like?”

“Well, he just turned 15 and will be getting his drivers permit when school starts. He is tall, like Renae, except he is all dark hair and eyes. They don’t look alike at all, it is weird.”

“I can’t wait until I can drive.”

“I know. Imagine the freedom.”

The thoughts of both girls turn inward as they walk the final steps to Renae’s house.
Renae rushes to meet them at the door. “The pool is open!” The girls all cheer. “Unfortunately my brother and his friends are here, too. I guess the nice weather was too good to pass up.”

“Renae, you didn’t mention last night you had a brother. Morrie told me on the walk up here.”

“Yeah, Joe.”

Renae led Kaelynn and Morrie to the backyard pool. It was a bigger backyard than you normally found in the suburbs, having enough room for the pool, a small grassy area, and a patio barbeque area.

The girls set up on the trio of lounge chair. Matt and his friend were already in the pool splashing around.

“Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?” Kaelynn pondered while they lathered on sunscreen.

“I’ve thought about going into something with languages. I know Spanish already, and plan on learning French and German. Maybe an interpreter? I don’t know. My sister, Colleen, is working in France at the embassy. She just graduated last year. My parents would love to have me do something like that, too.” Morrie answered first.

“How old are your other sisters, Morrie?” Renae asked.

“Colleen just graduated from Purdue. She is 23. Megan will graduate this year from Brown. She is 22. They are nearly exactly one year apart.”

“Wow. So you are 10 years younger than them? Is that weird at all?” Kaelynn wanted to know.

“Well, sometimes, since they have been away for college and stuff. They are kind of like strangers, but family you love. I guess it is hard to explain.” Morrie reflected for a moment. “What about you Kaelynn?”

“Oh, gosh. I can’t make up my mind. I’ve thought about a TV reporter, but I think I am too shy. I’ve thought about maybe being a therapist of some sort. I don’t know yet, I guess. What about you, Renae?”

“Oh, that’s easy. I’m going to be a model.”

For most girls, it would be a strange boast, but as Renae said it, it just seemed right. Kaelynn and Morrie could see Renae on the pages of a magazine.

“I can see that. Have you done anything yet?” Morrie questioned.

“No, not yet. Probably not until high ..” A big splash of ice-cold water cut off Renae’s words, and caused all three girls to shriek in shock. Mike’s friend had just done a cannonball right in front of the girls.

“Mike! That was totally unfair. You know I hate to get wet!” Renae whined to her brother.

“Hey, it wasn’t me, it was Tony.” Mike chucked at the three wet girls.

Tony climbed out of the pool and sauntered up to the girls.

“Hi, I’m Tony. Sorry about that, I couldn’t resist.”

Renae looked dumbstruck, staring blankly at Tony. Kaelynn couldn’t really understand why. Tony had broad shoulders for a teenage boy, was on the medium height side, just a little taller than Renae, and had the darkly Italian look. Kaelynn nudged Renae with her elbow. “I’m Kaelynn, this is Morrie, and that is Renae, Mike’s sister.”

“Yeah, I guessed that. Nice to meet you all.” He and Mike toweled off and went inside.

Renae finally got her voice back as she gasped “Wow, he is so cute. Ohmigod, I made a total fool out of myself. I could at least have said Hello.”

“He is ok.” Morrie shrugged, but secretly she was too busy looking at Mike.

Kaelynn sighed. She finally found friends and they were talking just like the other kids at school.

* * *

Need to fix end on Ch. 1 since I decided to go with more background info on the girls. Fix Chapter 1 now that Morrie sister Colleen in graduated already and working in France, and her other sister will graduate this year.

* * *

Words Today (so far): 1093 (yesterday 1442)

Total Words: 2535

Words to go: 47465

Monday, November 01, 2004

Chapter One (for now)

Kaelynn didn't look much different than many other 12 year old girls. Inside, though, she was shy, insecure, and extremely introverted. While other girls in her class spent recess and lunch time playing kickball or Chinese jump rope on the playground, Kaelynn could be found in the school library, lost in an book, feeling more comfortable with the made up stories and characters than with the kids her same age.

Her parents were concerned. Kaelynn was a bright girl, according to her teachers and IQ test. She wasn't deformed or strange to look at. She didn't have any hairy warts on her nose or birthmarks on her face to make people look at her oddly. They had Kaelynn involved on a soccer team and she seemed to make friends there, so why was she hiding away during school?

Her parents began to blame themselves. Did they push her too hard to study and get good grades? Did skipping the 1st grade emotionally damage her and if so, why is it just now showing up? Did something happen to Kaelynn that they don't know about?

It wasn’t something that happened to Kaelynn, but rather that the only thing the other girls in her class would talk about is boys.

"Mark is so cute," Kaelynn would overhear Mary say to Diana.

"He is so diggin' you, Mary. Mark told John who told Sarah who told me that he so likes you and wants you to be his girlfriend." Diana replied between girlish giggles.

Kaelynn rolled her eyes at the exchange, which went on to discuss ways to reply to Mark that Mary wanted to be his girlfriend, involving a very complicated plan of delivering a note through four people.

Kaelynn just didn't understand the fascination with boys. She had an older brother and there was certainly nothing special about him. As far as she could tell boys were just kind of messy and dirty, found belching and farting to be hilarious (not to mention making odd sounds with their armpits.) All this left nothing for Kaelynn to have in common with her schoolmates.

All that changed one spring day, when a new student joined their school. Kaelynn was walking home from school and she didn't notice that the new student was following her home.
"Hey! Wait up!" Kaelynn heard someone cry out. Kaelynn kept walking, since she figured that this person could not be talking to her.

"Hey! You in the rainbow shirt! Wait up!" Kaelynn stopped and turned around, and saw this taller girl with curly brown hair and freckles run up to her. "Hi!" She gasped, somewhat out of breath. "I'm Renae. What's your name? Do you live down this street?"

Kaelynn was caught a little off guard as she was used to people ignoring her at school. "Kaelynn. Yeah, at the end of the street."

"Cool. We can walk together then." With that, Renae started walking, and Kaelynn joined her. Kaelynn studied the friendly girl as they walked together down the street. Renae was tall for her age with wavy hair that couldn’t decide if it was brown, red, or blond. Freckled covered her face, clustering over the bridge of her nose, also dotting along her arms. Her eyes were a cool light brown color that was nearly yellow. She was dressed unimpressively in jean shorts and a purple tee-shirt. She looked just like she came across: friendly.

This began a daily ritual that quickly progressed into a firm friendship. Renae, having a military dad, had moved around a lot, and thus developed a personality that created friendships easily. Kaelynn felt that she was the complete opposite from herself.

“Do you know Morrie? She lives down this street, too.” Renae chatted easily.

“Mmmm. Yeah. We play on the same soccer team.”

“Oh, cool. I play, too, but since my dad just got reassigned here, I haven’t had time to register. Is there space on your team?”

“I don’t know. My dad coaches the team. I can check with him if you want.”

“That would be cool. I met Morrie last week when we moved in. She seems really nice.”

“I guess so. We don’t see each other much outside of the soccer team.”

“Hey! Do you want to have a sleep over Friday night? I can check with my mom and see if you and Morrie can spend the night. We can stay up late, eat popcorn, watch TV .. you know, all that stuff.”

Kaelynn had never had a sleep over before and was enraptured about the idea. “Ok, I’ll ask my mom. Give me your phone number and I’ll call after I check with my parents.”

After speaking with Renae’s mom, Kaelynn mom relented. That Friday Kaelynn carefully packed her overnight bag (sweatpants and a t-shirt to sleep in, toothbrush and toothpaste, pillow and sleeping bag.) Morrie was already at Renae’s house when Kaelynn arrived, but Renae didn’t let any awkward moments settle into the fun they all hoped the evening would provide.

“Girls,” Renae’s mom shouted up the stairs, “Do you want me to bring up some popcorn or chips?”

Renae, Kaelynn, and Morrie all giggled.

“No thanks, Mom. We’re not hungry yet.”

Renae turned to Kaelynn and Morrie. “So, what should we do first? I have the new TeenBeat Magazine.”

“Oh, cool. Who is on the cover this month?” Morrie wanted to know. Kaelynn didn’t really have anything to contribute, as she hadn’t yet been initiated into the rites of teenage crushes.

Morrie had blond hair, but it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be curly or straight. Underneath she had really curly-q ringlets, but on the top it was bone straight. She had pretty blue eyes, but unfortunately she looked like she was going to have problems with acne.

Kaelynn was relieved that neither girl had begun to develop yet. Some of the girls in her class had already, but she hadn’t. Kaelynn felt dull next to Renae and Morrie. Kaelynn’s hair was long, brown and straight with bangs across her forehead. She was shorter that both of the other girls.

“Oh, wow. That Johnny Dannon is too cute.” Morrie squeaked. Johnny Dannon was the hottest teen actor in television. Scores of teenage and preteen girls had poster of him plastered in their rooms. Renae was no exception, as she pointed out to Morrie. “Oh, I love that poster.” Morrie cried. “I have the same one in my room.”

“Hey, do you guys know where you are going for Jr. High next year?” Renae wanted to know.

“I’m going to Edison.” Kaelynn replied.

“Me too!” Morrie screamed.

“Cool! We can all go together. I wonder if we’ll have the same classes. How fun would that be? We can eat lunch together, too.” Renae went on making plans for next year already.

Kaelynn was just thinking of this summer and how different it was going to be than the last. She finally had friends. They liked her. She was determined to open up and get to know Renae and Morrie, rather than let her shyness keep her installed in the library at school. Next year would be different, Kaelynn vowed.

Renae was thrilled to have already met two girls who lived next to her that she liked. She felt more comfortable now with the strange school she had been thrust into just one week ago. She knew this coming school year would be great and this summer would be spent with Morrie and Kaelynn sealing the bond of their new friendship. Next year looks promising, Renae vowed.

Morrie was thrilled to be out of her house. She had two older sisters who were constantly fighting with her over protective parents. Morrie was a mistake child, but she was never treated as one. Her parents were much older when they had her, though, and just seemed to not have as much energy or time for her after dealing with both of her sisters who were in college locally. Morrie was hopeful that this summer would include many more sleepovers that were not at her house. Next year, she vowed, I will be perfect in school so my parents will be happy with me.

* * *

That summer was magical for Kaelynn, Renae, and Morrie. Each girl learned something from the new circle of friendship. Kaelynn began to initiate conversation and grew to offer opinions on clothing and teen idols. Morrie learn advice on making her hair curl on top like she wanted. Renae learned that she was likeable and didn’t have to force people to interact.
All these lessons helped them get through Jr. High at Edison, but would the help at High school?

* End of Chapter One *

I was planning on describing more of the summer bonding events between the 3 girls, but I don't know if that would drag out the story and how important it is. I think the crux of the plot takes place in high school when they are older and the friendships begin to unravel, so I guess this first chapter in more a background or prologue to the 'true' story.

Words Day One: 1447
Total words: 1447
Words to go: 48553 (Gasp!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

What Am I thinking?

Am I really going to attempt to do a Blog Novel? Heck - I just started my first blog today. Nothing like being ambitious, I suppose, but I should have learned by now to take new things slow. Typical Aries impulsiveness leading me astray.

I've been writing in a paper journal at home nightly for the past few weeks, so I'll just transfer that to this blog, doing my writing online. At the very least I'll save a few dollars in ink, at the most I'll end up with something that I can work with.

My goal is not to come up with something that is worth publishing. Nope, the bar is set much lower for me.

My goal is to work on creating scenes that really show the characters and their actions, rather than telling.

For example: Amy lifted up the cold can of Diet Coke, placed it to her lips and let the bubbly drink explode in her mouth, caressing her throat on the way down.

Rather than: Amy took a drink of Diet Coke.

Boy Crazy is (or rather, will be) about a boy crazy teenager. Ha! Unique title, you say. It will be a semi-autobiographical novel that is inspired on events of my rather colorful past. Hopefully it will be humorous. Hopefully it will be fun. Hopefully I won't be making a rather large public nuisance, but luckily the internet is nothing if not anonymous.